The raschel bag in reel is used on the special machines and is undoubtedly the best known packaging in the fruit and vegetable sector for the containment of potatoes and onions, also - currently - it is the most economical but at the same time more resistant packaging on the market.
After filling in the machine, the bag is closed by a printed or neutral band, sewn with a sewing thread.
The double knit sack, enhances the product in the best way by giving adequate coverage and brightness, characteristics due to the variety of colors and sizes that our company offers and that lends itself to many needs.

4-5 kg - 34x46, 35x48
7-8 kg - 35x60
10 kg - 41x60, 42x60
Colors: milk white, red, yellow, corn yellow, orange, beige with red and tricolor edges, any other colors on request.
Customization: our company is the only company in Italy that owns a machine developed by our team for the personalization of reel bags without the use of glues or other materials that wear out the machinery. In fact, we are able to attach to the chosen bag, according to size and color, a band with personalized printing, even for small quantities and in very short times.
In addition, our company is the only one able to attach the band either with a continuous step on the bag (different logos or images repeated on the same bag), and centered (an image centered on each bag).
Our graphic office is able to process graphics on specific customer request.
Printing features: 10, 12 and 15 cm band; Pantone printing up to 6 colors or four-color printing.
Related products: filato cucirino, bandella
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